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how to find a good orthopedic surgeon

Choosing the Right Specialist: What Doctor Should I See for Shoulder Pain?

If shoulder pain is limiting your daily tasks, you might wonder, “what doctor should I see for shoulder pain?” Whether to book an appointment with your general practitioner or seek help from a specialist, this guide demystifies the process of choosing the right healthcare provider for your shoulder issues, ensuring you can navigate your way ......
how to tell if you have carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel treatment, signs of carpal tunnel in hand, symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Recognizing the Signs: How to Tell If You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing numbness or tingling in your fingers, or weakness in your hand and wondering if it’s carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel is a common condition that can cause discomfort and impact your daily activities. Knowing how to tell if you have carpal tunnel is the first step towards managing this condition. In this ......
Hip Reconstructive Surgery

Advanced Solutions in Hip Reconstructive Surgery: A Patient’s Guide

Are you considering hip reconstructive surgery? This essential guide walks you through the process, helping you understand when it’s necessary, what it entails, and the recovery and care that follows. Discover how this surgery aims to relieve your hip pain and restore mobility, and learn about your next steps for a life with less pain. ......
sports medicine specialty, professional athletes

Exploring the Dynamic World of the Sports Medicine Specialty

What defines the sports medicine specialty? This field is uniquely tailored to the needs of athletes and those leading an active lifestyle, with experts dedicated to preventing and healing sports-related injuries. Whether you’re aspiring to join this dynamic profession or seeking expert care for peak physical performance, this article will guide you through the essential ......
wrist ligaments, wrist ligament tear symptoms

Understanding Wrist Ligaments: A Comprehensive Guide

Experiencing wrist pain or simply intrigued by wrist anatomy? Learn about wrist ligaments, the essential fibers that keep your wrist anchored and agile. This guide will walk you through their fundamental role, unpack common injuries that can sideline your dexterity, and highlight ways to return to peak wrist health. Whether it’s a curious exploration or ......
hip reconstructive surgery, physical examination

The Art and Science of Hip Reconstructive Surgery at Academy Orthopedics

Hip reconstructive surgery involves procedures aimed at repairing or restoring damaged hip joints, often due to injury, degeneration, or conditions like arthritis. These surgical interventions can range from hip resurfacing to total hip replacement, depending on the extent of damage and the patient’s needs. At Academy Orthopedics, we specialize in general orthopedic surgery, offering expertise ......
fixed flexion deformity elbow

Understanding Fixed Flexion Deformityin the Elbow (Elbow stiffness)

Diving into the world of elbow mobility, we uncover the enigma of fixed flexion deformity in the elbow, a condition that brings many to our doors seeking clarity and relief. At Academy Orthopedics, under the guidance of our team of board certified orthopedic surgeons, we approach elbow stiffness with a blend of professionalism and warmth.  ......
what is trigger finger

Decoding Trigger Finger: Understanding Symptoms and Causes

Ever woken up to a stubborn finger stuck in a bent position? Trigger finger, a condition characterized by the finger getting locked in a bent position often manifests with discomfort and limited mobility. The ring finger and thumb are frequently impacted, but the trigger finger can affect any digit. When the thumb is affected, it ......
how to treat tendonitis in hand and wrist

Wrist Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Expert Solutions

Wrist tendonitis also known as DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tendons in the wrist area. It typically occurs due to repetitive motions or overuse of the wrist, leading to pain, swelling, and discomfort. At Academy Orthopedics, we specialize in addressing wrist tendonitis, a prevalent orthopedic condition characterized by inflammation and ......
sports medicine

The Ultimate Guide to Sports Medicine: Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery

Facing an injury or working to boost your athletic potential, you’ve likely wondered how sports medicine can aid your journey. This guide cuts straight to the chase, offering you a look at the pivotal role sports medicine plays in injury recovery and athletic performance enhancement. Here, you’ll find practical information on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment ......
effects of injuries on athletes

Revolutionizing Orthopedics: Tailored Care for Injured Athletes Emphasizing Physical Health

Orthopedics has always been a field at the forefront of medical innovation, especially in the context of sports-related injuries. In recent years, we’ve seen a significant shift in how these injuries are approached and treated. This change is driven by a deeper understanding of the unique requirements of athletes and the specific challenges posed by ......
how to find the best orthopedic surgeon

How to Find the Best Orthopedic Surgeon for Your Needs

Empathetic treatment in orthopedics refers to the compassionate and understanding care provided by orthopedic professionals, including orthopedic surgeons, towards their patients. It involves recognizing and addressing not only the physical aspects of musculoskeletal conditions but also the emotional and psychological well-being of the patient. Empathetic treatment acknowledges the challenges and concerns that patients may face ......
hip joint reconstruction

Beyond Surgery: Hip Joint Reconstruction – Your Comfort, Our Priority

Hip joint reconstruction is a transformative branch of orthopedic surgery, primarily focused on restoring mobility and alleviating pain in patients with hip joint ailments. This surgical intervention is pivotal for those suffering from conditions like arthritis, fractures, or deformities that significantly impair their quality of life. At Academy Orthopedics, our commitment extends beyond the technical ......
outpatient knee replacement surgery

A Patient-Centric Approach to Outpatient Knee Replacement Surgery

Outpatient knee replacement surgery or same-day or ambulatory knee replacement, refers to a surgical procedure in which a patient undergoes knee joint replacement and is discharged on the same day, without requiring an overnight stay in the hospital. Traditional knee replacement surgeries are typically performed as inpatient procedures, where the patient stays in the hospital ......
outpatient knee replacement surgery

Your Comfort Comes First: Outpatient Knee Replacement Surgery Redefined

Outpatient knee replacement surgery is rapidly becoming a preferred choice for many, offering a quicker return to the comforts of home and potentially faster recovery times. This trend reflects advancements in surgical techniques and pain management, making it a viable option for suitable candidates. At Academy Orthopedics, we are at the forefront of this shift, ......
how to find the best orthopedic surgeon

Tailored Treatments and Compassionate Care: How To Find The Best Orthopedic Surgeon

Choosing the right orthopedic surgeon is a critical decision for anyone facing musculoskeletal issues. The best outcomes in orthopedic surgery are often the result of tailored treatments and compassionate care. These personalized approaches ensure that treatments align with individual patient needs, considering their specific conditions, lifestyle, and recovery goals. Compassionate care goes beyond technical skill; ......
carpal tunnel treatment

Empathy in Action: Tailored Carpal Tunnel Treatment for Lasting Comfort

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a prevalent nerve disorder, affects the hand and wrist, causing discomfort and hindering daily activities. It occurs when the median nerve, traversing through the wrist’s carpal tunnel, gets compressed. This condition leads to symptoms like pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand, affecting millions globally. Its impact on everyday life is ......
torn ligament in wrist treatment

Putting Patients First: Treatment for Torn Ligament in Wrist Injuries

Wrist injuries, characterized by the intricate interplay of torn ligaments and sprains, transcend the realm of mere medical concerns to become intimate struggles impacting one’s daily life. Recognizing this, Academy Orthopedics emerges as a beacon of patient-centric care, redefining the narrative around treating torn ligaments in wrist injuries. Within our practice, we seamlessly merge unparalleled ......
hip replacement surgery

Beyond Surgery: Nurturing Your Hip Health with Our Holistic Patient-Centered Care

In the complex world of orthopedic healthcare, a patient-centered approach has emerged as the gold standard for providing care. This philosophy is especially crucial when facing life-altering procedures like hip replacement surgery. At Academy Orthopedics, our goal is to put you at the center of your healthcare journey, from diagnosis through recovery. This empowers you ......
sign of carpal tunnel syndrome

Discover Relief and Support: Experience Personalized Care for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a prevalent condition resulting from pressure on the median nerve, which runs through a passage in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. This nerve is pivotal as it controls sensation and muscle impulses in the hand. The carpal tunnel itself is a narrow channel formed by wrist & carpal bones ......
outpatient knee replacement surgery

Where Compassion Meets Innovation: Your Partner in Orthopaedic Care and Musculoskeletal Health

Navigating the complex landscape of orthopedic care can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with ongoing pain or recent injuries. This is where a patient-centered approach becomes crucial, acting as a compass that focuses on your unique needs, concerns, and overall well-being. A patient-first strategy sets the stage for individualized treatment plans that resonate with ......
where to go for shoulder injury

Your Journey to Shoulder Recovery Begins Here: Meeting an Orthopedic Doctor

Your shoulders are essential, bearing the weight of your everyday tasks and movements. However, like any part of the body, they are susceptible to wear, tear, and injury. At Academy Orthopedics, we understand the unique challenges of shoulder pain. With our patient-centric approach, we merge expertise with a touch of home, making sure you’re more ......
outpatient knee replacement

Exploring Outpatient Knee Replacement: Benefits, Eligibility, and Recovery

In the world of knee health, finding the right care is essential for a pain-free and active lifestyle. At Academy Orthopedics, we understand the challenges that come with knee pain issues and are dedicated to providing personalized care that feels familiar and supportive. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of outpatient ......
hand tendonitis

Understanding Tendonitis in the Hand: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Tendonitis in the hand is a common condition that can cause pain, discomfort, and limitations in hand function. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hand tendonitis is crucial in managing the condition effectively and improving overall hand health. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of tendonitis in the hand, ......
rotator cuff repair

Preparing For Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery: What To Expect

People who’ve injured their shoulder joint may need rotator cuff surgery to repair the issue.  Rotator cuff surgery is a procedure where a surgeon makes an incision on your shoulder joint and performs rotator cuff repairs, to reattach the tendon or trimming partial rotator cuff tears. These issues can be the result of various factors, ......
where does it hurt

Where Does It Hurt? Why an Orthopedic Doctor Asks These Questions

It’s common for medical professionals to ask their patients some variation of “Where does it hurt?” or “Which part of your body is hurting?” You may wonder why they ask these questions when it is most likely listed in their notes somewhere. However, for orthopedic doctors, a question like this carries a lot of weight. ......
Regenerative Medicine

What Is Regenerative Medicine?

Our body has an impressive capacity to heal itself and return to its normal function. From a simple scrape in our skin to a perforation in the liver, our body can recuperate and restore itself to healthy functionality. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same regenerative capabilities and organ systems as an average healthy adult. People ......
Sports Medicine

What Is Included in Sports Medicine?

Professional athletes have physically demanding jobs and put their bodies under tremendous pressure and strain as they strive to reach the peak of their performance. As a result, they are more prone to injuries and illnesses — and not just the usual bumps, bruises, and scrapes that come with being active. This means athletes need ......
Shoulder Pain in Cold Weather

Shoulder Pain in Cold Weather: What Could it Mean?

Do you feel pain shooting in your shoulders when winter’s around the corner? If so, you’re not alone. Shoulder pain during cold weather is a common complaint among those who work outside or are exposed to chilly winds and temperatures. But what could this mean? There are countless reasons why your shoulder aches during cold ......
Anterior Hip Replacement

What You Should Know About Anterior Hip Replacement 

The hip is often an overlooked part of the body, but it can cause severe pain and decreased mobility when it has problems. There are many ways to relieve hip pain, including pain medication and physical therapy, but there may come a time when these treatments are no longer effective. If you’re experiencing chronic hip ......
trigger finger

How Does Trigger Finger Occur?

Have you ever experienced having one or more fingers or thumbs get stuck in a curled position? Simple tasks like eating, holding a cup of coffee, or typing on a mobile phone or computer might become more challenging than they need to be when one of your fingers is locked in a bent position. If ......
Rotator cuff tear

Damage to Your Rotator Cuff – A Rotator Cuff Tear

From everyday activities to athletic pursuits, having a strong and healthy rotator cuff is extremely important to prevent potential injury. Whether you’re new to physical activity or an avid athlete, understanding the risk of damage from a torn rotator cuff is necessary to help protect your body and minimize the risk of long-term harm. This ......

Book Your Appointment With Academy Orthopedics Before the Christmas Period!

The holiday season is the busiest time of year for most people, with countless parties and events to attend. However, it can be difficult for those who experience painful orthopedic conditions to fully enjoy this festive period if joint pain or injury interferes. Pain doesn’t take a holiday break. It can strike any time of ......
doctor to see for shoulder injury

The Most Common Hand, Finger, and Shoulder Injuries Over Christmas

Christmas is coming, and for many, the holiday is a time to decorate and get everything in order. Some will lift boxes of decorations from the ground or reach for them overhead. Others will extend their arms to put up the old Christmas tree just before the 24th. Unfortunately, with all the lifting and overhead ......
smartphone finger pain

What Are Our Phones Doing to Our Hands and Fingers?

The advent of the modern touchscreen smartphone in the late 2000s changed how people interacted with technology. People no longer had to fumble around with tiny keys or even use a stylus — their fingers could do the work. It was a groundbreaking innovation that has made our lives easier in many ways, but there’s ......

How to Treat ACL Tears 

Whether you’re an athlete who plays volleyball, basketball, football, skiing or other sports, you’re someone with an active lifestyle, or you engage in physical activity, you can be at risk for an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. When this happens, you will need either surgical or nonsurgical treatment. However, you might wonder what an ACL ......
Elbow Contracture

Understanding Elbow Contracture

The elbow is often left unnoticed until something goes wrong. We use it throughout the day in nearly every activity, from writing to cooking to driving.  When the elbow is affected by contracture, the range of motion is reduced. This can happen progressively or abruptly, depending on the cause. Contracture can be painful, and in ......
Tennis Elbow

What is Tennis Elbow?

You might not think playing tennis could lead to a severe injury, but the truth is that repetitive motion can strain your muscles and tendons and cause pain. Tennis elbow is a common condition that results from this type of overuse. While the name suggests that only tennis players are at risk, anyone who participates ......
surgery for wrist tendonitis

At Home Remedies for Hand and Wrist Tendonitis

The musculoskeletal system is tough enough to withstand daily activities. But repeated or sudden movements, trauma, or incorrect form will cause issues. Some of these are gradual, while others are more sudden. The latter can happen to the muscles and joints, resulting in a sharp pain that prevents you from performing your regular routine. This ......
tendonitis in the wrist

The Top 8 Jobs That Can Cause Tendonitis in the Hand and Wrist

The wrist is an intricate structure that allows us to do many things with our hands. It’s made up of multiple bones, tendons, and ligaments that work together to enable you to perform various tasks efficiently. Whether writing, typing, playing sports, or playing the piano, it allows for a wide range of motion and provides ......
Hip Arthritis

Hip Arthritis And You

Hip Arthritis: Everything You Need to Know You might be suffering from arthritis and not even know it. Arthritis is known as a progressive disorder, which means it develops slowly and can be easily missed until it is pretty far along. “Progressive” means that it starts forming gradually and gets worse over time. At first, ......
Knee Arthritis

A Patient’s Guide To Knee Arthritis

Introduction Knee arthritis pain has been a part of human life for hundreds of years. In fact, it can even be found in the texts of the founding fathers of Western medicine such as Hippocrates, Celsus, Galen, and others. As ancient as arthritis pain is, it’s still very present in society today. But what is ......
Academy Orthopedics are the very best at minimally invasive total hip replacement surgery.

A Patient’s Guide to Hip Replacement Surgery

Introduction  Are you researching the possibility of hip replacement surgery? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Academy Orthopedics, we are experts in hip replacement and can show you the important details you need to consider when deciding on a total hip replacement, a minimally invasive total hip replacement, anterior total hip ......
carpal tunnel syndrome

What Are The Signs Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition in which the median nerve that runs through your palm, wrist, and bottom of your hand becomes compressed or irritated – leading to pain, numbness, and tingling in your fingers and hand. A ligament in the wrist often thickens causing extra pressure on the median nerve in the ......
For Shoulder Pain Which Doctor

Cold Weather Aches & Pains? Which Doctor Should You See For Shoulder Pain?

If you have ever noticed that your aches and pains become worse during cold weather, you are not alone. There are reasons why this happens to many people. During cold weather, pain is exacerbated. When you have shoulder pain, it can make even the simplest task hard to manage. You may find it difficult to ......
Symptoms of a Meniscus Tear

Easily Identify the Symptoms of a Meniscus Tear in 5 Easy Steps

Our knees can be very sensitive and it is not uncommon for injuries to occur. One possible knee injury you may experience is a meniscus tear. You need to understand the symptoms of a meniscus tear, how they happen, and how to treat them. Both of your knees will have two menisci on the outer ......
Hand Tendonitis

Stop Hand Tendonitis in Its Tracks with These Simple Steps

You use your hand for the majority of tasks that you complete throughout the day. The last thing you want is to be unable to use your hand or wrist because of an injury. If you have signs of hand tendonitis then you will need to consult with your doctor. You may be referred to ......
Shoulder Frozen

Is Your Shoulder Frozen? Here’s How We Can Help!

You may experience a pain in your shoulder that makes you wonder, is my shoulder frozen? That could very well be the explanation. The technical term is adhesive capsulitis and it affects 2 to 5 percent of the population in the United States. When your frozen shoulder pain becomes more than you can handle and ......
Meniscal Tears

What are Meniscal Tears, and How do Orthopedic Surgeons Help Fix Them?

As an athlete, you are susceptible to many different injuries, no matter the sport. Sometimes these injuries can be mild or acute. Other times they may be extreme. Academy Orthopedics is no stranger to sports injuries, especially meniscal tears. This is a widespread knee cartilage injury that can either be treated surgically or non surgically, ......
Sports Injuries

The Relationship Between Sports Injuries and Athlete’s Mental Health

Every year we see millions of people diagnosed with depression. One group that is particularly vulnerable to depression is athletes who deal with sports injuries. Unfortunately, throughout sports and exercise, injuries are inevitable. At the Academy of Orthopedics, we have seen and advised athletes of all precautions to decrease the chances of sustaining sports injuries. ......
Ortho Doctors

Do Amateur Athletes Need Ortho Doctors? YES, They Do!

When you think about athletes and the amount of physical demand placed on their bodies while playing sports you can’t help but be concerned with the injury risks. In fact, injuries don’t necessarily have to be from playing competitive sports. They can happen from accidents and training programs too. Also, it is inevitable that at ......
Orthopedic Surgeon

5 Best Practices When Identifying The Best Orthopedic Surgeon Near You

Finding the right doctor for you can be a bit of a challenge. Everyone deserves the best care and treatments for illnesses or injuries but sometimes not everyone gets quality service. Now, consider if your current state involves hip, knee, or shoulder issues that require special surgery.  These types of medical conditions can be treated ......
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Changing the Game for Athletes’ Health

It is quite common for amateur and professional athletes to suffer injuries. It’s just the nature of the game. How the athlete responds to those injuries is what determines their recovery and return to the sport they love to play. The best way to ensure a smooth return to the court, field, rink, or mat ......
Hand Pain

6 Factors That Could Be Causing Your Hand Pain

Hand pain can impact your life in many ways. You might have trouble typing on a keyboard, gripping a fork, getting dressed, or picking up your child. The longer you let this pain linger, the worse the condition could become and the bigger of an impact it can have on your life. If you suffer ......
Center for Orthopedics

How to Find the Best Center for Orthopedics Near You

Suffering an injury as an athlete can be devastating to your career whether you are a professional or a weekend warrior. However, an injury does not have to end your career. That’s in case you seek the right care from trusted professionals at the best center for orthopedics near you, Academy Orthopedics. Below, you will ......
Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Strengthen Your Game with Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Being an athlete isn’t easy. Whatever sport you enjoy, you need to put in a ton of time, energy, and effort in order to reach your goals. Certainly, working day, night, and every minute in between can help you reach the goals you set for yourself in baseball, basketball, football, tennis, hockey, gymnastics, golf, and ......
knee replacement in cumming, ga

How Long Will It Take to Recover From Knee Replacement in Cumming, GA?

Total knee replacement in Cumming, GA can be a long process but by the end of the process, you will be able to return to your lifestyle, an active one at that. The most important time period after surgery is the initial 12 weeks. You will need to commit to a plan and push yourself ......
Hand and Wrist Pain

5 Non-Surgical Pain Management Options for Hand and Wrist Pain

Hand and wrist pain can be caused by a variety of reasons and can impact your quality of life exponentially. We understand that not being able to use your hand or wrist in the same way you once did can be frustrating. If you are experiencing pain you may need to see a hand specialist ......
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is when there is pressure on the median nerve. When your median nerve is compressed, you will experience tingling and numbness in the arm and your hand. If you are experiencing such discomfort already, it could be possible that you’re suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. To better understand your current condition and ......
orthopedist in cumming GA

3 Non-Surgical Options an Orthopedist in Cumming, GA Can Provide for Pain

We know that pain can be debilitating and life-altering. You may be apprehensive to see your doctor because they may suggest surgery. However, an orthopedist in Cumming, GA can provide non-surgical options to help with pain and discomfort. Depending on the status of your condition your options may vary. Let’s discuss three non-surgical options an ......
orthopedist in duluth ga

How to Find an Orthopedist in Duluth, GA

You have finally come to the difficult decision of seeking help from an orthopedist in Duluth, GA. Your pain has been unbearable and you have tried it all, you have met with your primary care physician and they have suggested an orthopedist. Now, the question remains how do you find an orthopedist in Duluth, GA?  ......
Orthopedic Surgery in Duluth GA

6 Signs It May Be Time for Orthopedic Surgery in Duluth, GA

The last thing you want to do is go through orthopedic surgery in Duluth, GA and we understand it can be difficult to think of. You may be in pain whether from a condition or an injury. You may have a demanding job that requires you to do a lot of physical activity and movements. ......
Knee Surgeon in Duluth GA

Knee Surgeon in Duluth, GA Answers: 7 Common Causes of Knee Pain

Your knee is one of the hardest working joints you have in your body. Which is why you may experience knee pain at some point in your life.  Although most knee pain will go away on its own, there are certain conditions that can be so severe that you will need a knee surgeon in ......
hand surgeon in duluth, ga

Hand Surgeon in Duluth, GA: 6 Ways to Prevent Hand and Wrist Pain

Hand Surgeon in Duluth, GA: 6 Ways to Prevent Hand and Wrist Pain Hand and wrist pain can change your life drastically. This pain can lead to other health complications like arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Although some conditions cannot be prevented due to other risk factors there are preventative measures you can take for ......
sports medicine specialist in buford, ga

Sports Medicine Specialist in Buford, GA: 5 Signs Your Sport is Causing Your Pain

Playing sports is part of the American spirit but sometimes sports can hit back. Staying active is essential to our health and well-being. However, sports injuries are common especially when playing in unorganized sports. Some sports injuries can often be treated at home without much assistance. But if they are a little more severe you ......
shoulder surgeon in cumming, ga

When It’s Time to See a Shoulder Surgeon in Cumming, GA

Each year we see countless individuals who are suffering from shoulder injuries and pain. Many patients have tried to avoid seeing a shoulder surgeon in Cumming, GA. But, they may reach a point where that is no longer an option.  A shoulder injury can change the way you complete a lot of your daily tasks. ......
joint replacement surgeon in buford, ga

Joint Replacement Surgeon in Buford, GA: 6 Signs It’s Time for Joint Replacement

Joint replacement is a big decision to make. The rehabilitation process afterward can be long and grueling. You and your joint replacement surgeon in Buford, GA should have a long talk and weigh out all other options before choosing joint replacement surgery.  There may come a point in time where you have no other choice ......
orthopedist in buford, ga 

Look for These 7 Qualities When Seeking an Orthopedist in Buford, GA

When you need an orthopedist in Buford, GA there are several things to keep in mind. You will need to do some research in order to recognize certain qualities in an experienced orthopedist before making your decisions. Below are seven of those said qualities: 1. Experience Experience is one of the most important factors in ......